Who is to blame for the malicious Barcode Scanner that got on the Google Play store?

In our last blog, Barcode Scanner app on Google Play infects 10 million users with one update, we wrote about a barcode scanner found on the Google Play store that was infected with Android/Trojan.HiddenAds.AdQR. All initial signs led us to believe that LavaBird LTD was the developer of this malware, but since then, a representative from LavaBird reached out to us.  They claimed it was not them who was responsible for uploading malicious versions of Barcode Scanner, package name com.qrcodescanner.barcodescanner, but an account named “The space team.”  Upfront, we must also say that though we attempted to reach “The space team” when writing this story, we received no response.

Read full article on Malwarebytes Unpacked


